“How to blog” or “how to start a blog” is a search phrase many people type on Google daily. In this article, Business-Matter.com gives tip that will help you to start generating good income working from the comfort of your home. If you have ever thought of creating blogs for people and charging them for that, then this should be helpful to you.
If you decide to create simple blogs for people in Nigeria, you can earn as as high as N7,500 to N12,500 in profit per blog created.
Assuming you are able to create 2 blogs per week at the rate of N12,500. At the end of 1 month, you could easily create 8 blogs for people and that amounts to N100,000. If you charge N7500, that would be an extra N60,000 for that month and this will be the easiest money you could make because blogs are easy to create.
Here is the reason why this is possible.
One of the top keywords searched on Google.com everyday by thousands of Nigerians is “How To Start A Blog” or “How To Blog”.
This simply means one thing. A lot of people do not know how to create a simple blog.
What if you can help them create a blog, do you think you will get many of them to use your services?
Sure you can.
Take note that a blog is different from a website, but similar. A website requires that you learn HTML language or how to use Microsoft word processors to effectively design stunning websites. And these training can take you as long as 3 – 12 months to master. And this is apart from the very expensive tuition fee required. Aptech Computer education charge about N150,000 to teach you this. NIIT charges a bit higher for this.
Setting up blog on the other hand, can take you just few hours to learn because you are not learning any programming language as all the set up is almost completely automated. All you need to do is learn how to give commands for certain set up tasks to be completed and you have a ready blog.
While to design websites costs from N25,000 to N2.5million per website created, setting up a simple blog costs from N10,000
to N15,000 maximum. So it’s easier to get many people to have their own blog because owning a blog is very affordable and cheap. Above all, a well monetised blog is an asset on its own.
If you have the knowledge on how to do this, then you have a valuable service to offer to the Nigerian community.
Why Everybody Needs A Blog Today
If you are on Facebook, then you probably need a blog. A blog is your own presence on the Internet. A lot of people own blogs in their name today. Some examples are Linda Ikeji, Ladun liadi, Stella Dimoko korkus, Niyi daramola etc are people who have hugely successful blogs that makes six figure monthly income. And many more people still need blogs so that their name will be
registered online.
What You Need To Create A Blog
If you want to create a blog for people, here are what you need.
1. You need a Computer
2. You need an internet connection
3. You need to register a domain name and hosting
4. You need a good WordPress theme or blogger theme
5. You need to know how to customize the themes
6. You need to know how to upload, and install a blog online
So once you have access to the 5 requirements above, you can help anyone to create a simple blog and make money doing so.
Fortunately, the WordPress BootCamp by BrowseDotcom takes you from a newbie to pro
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