Running your own business can be extremely rewarding. But there are a few negative aspects that possibly don’t get the exposure that they should. For one, running a business is seen as risky and overwhelming, and with that many people can be put off just by those two thoughts alone. A business can be hard work, much more in-depth than say being an employer and working a nine till five job. Running a business can also be exciting and thrilling and one of the most fulfilling things you can do, so why wouldn’t you want to try it? There are, however, plenty of pitfalls you may want to avoid. I thought I would share with you what some of them are.
Cash flow problems
Cash flow is a huge issue for any business, especially one that is starting out. Getting paid for the services and products you have isn’t always an instant thing. Especially when dealing trade to trade. Many people offer a thirty-day payment window, and this can leave you unstuck if that business has chosen to pay you at the endth degree. Thankfully, websites like could be worth noting down. Having access to financing can be a huge saving to your business and save it from the depth of cash flow issues. Enabling you to stay trading when times get tough.
Staffing issues
Staff turnover can be a big problem for any business. Interviewing and hiring staff costs time and money, and so not hiring right first time can be a huge pitfall you may want to avoid within your business. The crucial step is to ensure you take all necessary checks and precautions and ask the right interview questions. Thankfully, there are some guides online when it comes to hiring the right staff such as websites like
Not getting the right exposure
Exposure can be one of the key ingredients for business success. Not getting the right exposure could be your downfall. This is why it is so important to ensure that you look into your social media and marketing strategy as a priority. Exposure means sales, exposure means business, so this is why it can be a huge deal to ensure you do things right. Social media is a massive player in this and can often not be utilised enough or in the right way.
The wrong sort of branding
First impressions count for something, and your brand is your chance to enable your business to give that right impression first time round. So the downside of not concentrating on this aspect could mean that people look elsewhere for the service or product you supply. If design and vision isn’t your strong suit find a design and digital company who can help.
No digital footprint
Finally, these days without a digital footprint you don’t have much. Everything is online, consumers shop, they read reviews, and they research. They have become savvier with their choices and rightly so. Ensure you have the right digital footprint with an easy to use website as your main hub online.
I hope these tips help you avoid some of the common business pitfalls.