Have you achieved success since getting connected to the web? Do you have an amazing story building a business or know someone who has built a business using the power of the web, then this opportunity could be for you
From Google:
On August 27 we launched ‘Africa Connected. Success stories powered by the web.’ This is an initiative supported by Google with the aim of establishing a platform to drive the largest collection of inspiring stories about ventures established by Africans using the power of the web.
An example is Asurf who learned filmmaking using Google Search and YouTube. Watch his story and be inspired.
Another Example is AfriNolly.You can find several more amazing stories from across the continent on the website: www.africaconnected.com.
Wondering how to be involved?
If you have an amazing story to tell yourself, or know someone that does, we’re collecting submissions until October 31, 2013. The top 5 awe inspiring stories will win $25,000 each from Google to use to further grow their impact.
You may also join our community on Google+ to follow the discussion across Africa. Please use hashtag #AfricaConnected when posting.We’re excited about this initiative and can’t wait to hear many more great stories.