When you are meeting clients for your business, you want it to go as well as possible. Often, they have the fate of your business in their hands. Even when this is not the case, it is a mark of professionalism to wow them as well as possible. As they say, you can only have one chance at a first impression. So you want to make sure that you get it right. In business, this is particularly important. The fact is, there are so many different factors involved here, it can be all too easy to forget one or two. If you are keen to discover how to make a good first impression for your clients, then read on. Let’s take a look at some of the most effective methods and things to bear in mind.
Exceed Expectations
You want your clients to go away from this meeting feeling that you have gone above and beyond what they desired. To do that, you need to know what they expect of you. It is only when you know this that you can effectively expect to exceed it. This is the biggest part of all, and yet everything else is what leads up to this. Make sure you know what they want, by the simple act of asking them. That way, you can try as hard as you like to please them.
Work On The Company’s Image
The way you present the company is hugely important. You want your clients to believe that they are doing business with the best. This means that your business has to look the best. This doesn’t mean lying about your status as a business. But there is no reason that you can’t reasonably make the business look more impressive. One great way to do this is to use a registered address like the Hoxton Mix to show your clients. Having this kind of central address gives your business a certain prestige. You would be amazed at what a difference these small things really do make.
Listen Well
In meetings, everyone appreciates a good listener. So many people in business are all mouth, it is often refreshing to come upon someone who is keen to listen. When the client is speaking, listen with your whole body. This way, you are more likely to really pick up on what it is that they are saying. You will even be able to pick up on unconscious messages which they are getting across. Using these, you can then work to impress them by delivering exactly the response they would most like to hear. Listening is one of the great arts when it comes to impressing your clients. Practice it well.
Ask Questions
Finally, people tend to be really impressed if you are able to ask decent questions. Having the ability to do this means that you know what you want, how to get it, and what it is that they can do to help. If you ask the right questions, it also helps to show them a kind of respect.