On Thursday, a Silicon Valley jury ordered Samsung to pay Apple a sum of $290 million for the infringement on Apple’s products after 3 days of deliberations.
This new verdict is different from the previous one that ordered Samsung to pay a huge sum of $1.05bn to Apple, but the case was recalled by US District Judge Lucy Koh saying that the charges was miscalculated.
Apple said in a statement: “For Apple, this case has always been about more than patents and money. It has been about innovation and the hard work that goes into inventing products that people love.
“While it’s impossible to put a price tag on those values, we are grateful to the jury for showing Samsung that copying has a cost.”
The verdict covers 13 older Samsung devices that a previous jury found were among 26 Samsung products that infringed Apple patents.
Samsung is expected to appeal the latest verdict. But a Third trial is scheduled for March 2014, this is to consider Apple’s claims that Samsung’s newest devices on the market also copied Apple’s technology.