Most entrepreneurs or self-employed find it difficult to go on holidays because of their busy schedules. Even when they decide to take a break during the year they still find themselves working from their vacation site.
Starters or small businesses who rely on weekly or even daily income rarely go on holidays because they don’t have any capable hand to handle the business when they are away.
This time of the end is actually a time when entrepreneurs can plan to take a break, since most of the clients are likely to go on holiday. Below are some tips to make your holiday time-off a smooth one:
- Give Advanced Warning: get your clients, business associates informed early enough that you take a week off or more. Get all the work still on ground done; paperwork, projects, invoices and so on. If you have anyone to stand in gap for you while you are away, give your clients the contact details of that person . Likewise, if you’ll be checking email or voicemail while out, let people know your parameters. Showing clients that you care about their needs upfront is the key to having a successful vacation without jeopardizing business and relationships.
- Set your Online Expectation: you are actually advised to unplug from any device that will keep you in touch with anything business or work. But you are still allowed to make your best choices, either to check your mails at a particular period in a day or a week. You can also decide to give your family an 100% presence, just try and check out what works best for you, but just make sure you really have enough time to really have your fun during the break.
- Balance up your Team: If you have people working for you, remember they also have to spend some time with their family and friends. So try to balance things up, by giving them the room to enjoy their holidays. This is to prevent resentment between you and your employees.
- Say “No” If you start feeling Stressed: Being an entrepreneur is a stressful one on its on. When you feel stressed out, do not hesitate to say no to some business proposals. It is better to handle what you sure you could handle, than to take much work and then disappoint clients. List what needs to be done, and make choices of the ones that you really know will be of great benefits to the company. After you have been able to complete the lined up businesses, then it’s time to take a break.
These are just little things that could be done when intending to take a break. We all need a particular time to get some rest, because we get more refreshed after taking the break and fresh ideas to go about our business gets flooded in our minds.