After the Mother’s Day flood of 2006 caused a local river to surge eight feet above flood stage, it devoured large sections of the lower road that was never repaired. After the cleanup, the town detoured the road permantly, creating a quiet street for many in the area, while creating a big issue for Gayle and Donald when people began turning around in their driveway after missing the detour.
“We had the driveway repaved three times over a few years. ”
“I would park my truck at the end of the driveway, but then you have to worry about an accident,” Don said. “So, then I even spiked an orange cone right to the driveway, but that became a nuisance, as it had to be moved every time we pulled in or out.”
Looking for a more practical method of protecting their driveway, Gayle came up with the idea for a product they would call DrivewaySpikes one day, when Don came home from his friend’s barn with several rubber fingers. After a few months went by, the couple realized its effectiveness. The couple began to wonder if others shared their sentiment about motorists using their driveways for U-turns and if their invention could help out in other homes.
“That’s when I looked online and found so many forums that came up with people aggravated with the same problem,U-turns.
Gayle also realized its potential to appeal to parents and those with animals as an added safety to the property. Don made the connections needed to move the invention toward a marketable product. Gayle, helped out and over the next three years the couple used trial and error until coming up with a product they use today.
DrivewaySpikes are now made of recycled rubber, DOT reflective material,and the original rubber rods and are being manufactured within the United States. Don has given out a few of the finished products, 3″ and 6″ rubber “Spike” sizes, to the neighbors who have the same issue due to the detour. Unknown to him, some of these neighbors had experience in marketing and public relations and returned the favor, helping to create a website,, as well as a brochure. The couple is looking to get it into several New England stores for retail.
Neighbor Martha said she seen a huge improvement with the DrivewaySpikes. She also said, “Donny and Gayle have to be the nicest neighbors one could have, always helpful, and friendly.” Don was also able to find a potential investor, as well as a celebrity endorsement. One day while listening to the radio, he heard former a Boston Bruin discussing the topic of motorists speeding into his driveway to turn around. That day he emailed Byers about the invention of DrivewaySpikes and sent him one in the mail. BB lives in Holliston on a blind drive and has a young son who frequently plays in the driveway, and feels that the use of his property to turn around is irresponsible. Three weeks after installing DrivewaySpikes, not a single car turned into his driveway.
When he got Don on the phone, he asked about potential investment in the invention, and they have continued to stay in touch. Don and Gayle are continuing the marketing of DrivewaySpikes and it is currently in production. “It is just a phenomenal, awesome invention”.