In our society today, people get turned off when they try assessing a site from their mobile device and the site is not just displaying correctly, or its not even opening at all. Customers tend not to visit the site again and this means your online business platform might cause the loss of customers.
Slow, complicated and inefficient mobile websites makes businesses loose their customers because there are actually other sites that are better off. For your business to be successful, you need to keep an eye on your mobile websites to ensure that it works perfectly regardless of the type of mobile device that is been used by the customer.
1. Have a Responsive Site: There are different devices in the market, but many of us don’t try to know how the site will look like across these devices. For you to have more traffic on your site, you must have a responsive site that must display well on any platform.
“Understanding devices and associated technology features is necessary for design purposes. We determine what our sites and our emails need to be designed for from a size, browser and operating perspective. [Mobile reports] allow us to provide the right experience for our consumers,” says Cathy Gribble, associate director of digital analytics for Team One
2. Notice Emerging Patterns: Behavioural patterns of how users view maybe a video site on the mobile device matters. The length and breadth of a site must be suitable for the view of the user.
A scenario outlined by Todd LaBeau, vice president of digital for Lindsay, Stone & Briggs is as follow:
“Say you notice that consumers tend to open recipes primarily on their tablets and look at store locators more on phones. Then, you notice that second-time visitors end up back on the same recipe pages around dinnertime. You can start to understand how people are using and connecting to your products and in what order. Once you do that, you can start to test how you can influence their behaviors. Maybe the mobile phone people get coupons offered alongside store locations, while tablet users get additional recipe tips or product info, leading to up- or cross-sales. Just by taking a few minutes to look at mobile and screen size segments, you can identify and expand relevant sales opportunities for your customers.”
3. Tweaking Advertising For Mobile: The way your customers behave on mobile would determine your mobile advertising strategy.
You can devise an email marketing strategy, learn to Optimize your email newsletters, do not feed them with unnecessary information. Make sure you have a responsive email template that helps you get back their feedbacks.
Customers are key in all businesses, so let businesses with mobile sites try to follow the above steps. It will help boost the number of customers and their business will be better off.